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作者:admin 发布时间:2022-12-17 04:33 分类:算命 浏览:83






The Dragon Boat Festival,also called the Duanwu Festival,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. This festival is to commemorate the death of QU Yuan,an upright and honest poet and statesman who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.

The most important activity of this festival is the Dragon Boat races.It symbolizes people's attempts to rescue Qu Yuan.In the current period,these races also demonstrate the virtues of cooperation and teamwork.

Besides,the festival has also been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous rice)。Zong zi is made of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves.People who mourned the death of Qu threw Zong zi into the river to feed his ghost every year.

With the changes of the times,the memorial turns to be a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of year.People will hang healthy herbs on the front door to clear the bad luck of the house.Although the significance of the festival might be different with the past,it still gives the observer an opportunity to glimpse a part of the rich Chinese cultural heritage.

中文大意 :




Dragon Boat Festival (the fifth day of the fifth month of the fifth lunar month), also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, Dragon Festival, Double Boat Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Zhengyang Festival, Bath Lan Festival, Tianzhong Festival and so on, is a traditional Chinese folk festival.


Dragon Boat Festival originated from celestial worship and evolved from dragon totem sacrifice in ancient times.


Dragon Boat Festival is a festival created by the ancestors of Baiyue in ancient times for ancestor worship. According to legend, Quyuan, a poet of the State of Chu in the Warring States Period, committed suicide by jumping the Miluo River on May 5.

Later, people used Dragon Boat Festival as a festival to commemorate Quyuan, and there were also statements in memory of Wu Zixu, Cao E and Jie Zitui.


Dragon Boat Festival and Spring Festival, Qingming Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival are also known as the four traditional festivals in China.


Dragon Boat Festival culture has a wide influence in the world, and some countries and regions in the world also have activities to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.














In the mountains, I have also heard that after the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Chu Yuan is the original doctor, was a loyal, but he was a traitor of the frame and can not defend their own country. In order to show their loyalty, in order to arouse the patriotism of the people of Chu, Qu Yuan jumped into the river on to kill themselves in protest. Afraid of the people of Chu-ri Quyuan big fish on the package a lot of big rice dumplings, a big fish want to eat the big fish's mouth stick, so that it can not eat Qu Yuan had. Later, it had scheduled for this day for the Dragon Boat Festival, to take the form of dumplings to commemorate Qu Yuan.

端午节的英文介绍 端午节的英文翻译一览

1、端午节英语,The Dragon Boat Festival,也就是“龙舟节”。

2、端午节的起源,端午节The Dragon Boat Festival

3、端午节的由来是中国古代一位满腹才华的诗人屈原。The origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named Qu Yuan.

4、他爱国爱民受人尊敬,却由于被嫉妒而受到陷害,逐渐被皇帝冷落。He was a good and respected man, but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperors court.

5、屈原由于无法得到重用,眼看着自己的国家沦陷,于是投江自尽。Unable to regain the respect of the emperor, in his sorrow Qu Yuan threw himself into the Mi Low river.


(As we enter the month of June, we find ourselves already in the middle of the year. However, according to the Chinese lunar calendar, the fifth month just begins and the Chinese people are preparing to celebrate another traditional festival -- the Duanwu Festival.)

The Duanwu Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar. For thousands of years, Duanwu has been marked by eating Zongzi and racing dragon boats.

The taste of Zongzi, a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves to give it a special flavor, varies greatly across China. Zongzi is often made of rice mixed with dates in Northern China, because dates are abundant in the area. Eastern China’s Jiaxing County is famous for its pork-stuffed Zongzi. In the southern province of Guangdong, people stuff Zongzi with pork, ham, chestnuts and other ingredients, making them very rich in flavor. In Sichuan province, Zongzi is usually served with a sugar dressing. Most people still maintain the tradition of eating Zongzi on the day of the Duanwu Festival. But the special delicacy has become so popular that you can now buy it all the year round.

Duanwu is also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, because dragon boat races are the most popular activity during the festival, especially in Southern China. A dragon boat is shaped like a dragon, and is brightly painted in red, white, yellow and black. Usually, a dragon boat is 20 to 40 meters long, and needs several dozen people to row it. Boatmen row the boat in cadence with the drumbeats, as the captain standing in the bow of the boat waves a small flag to help coordinate the rowing. Before the race gets underway, a solemn ceremony is held to worship the Dragon King.

Dragon boat racing is quite a spectacle, with drums beating, colorful flags waving, and thousands of people cheering on both sides of the river. Nowadays, it has become a popular sporting activity in Southern China. International dragon boat races are held in Guangzhou and Hong Kong every year.

The Duanwu Festival used to have other interesting customs that are no longer commonly observed, though you may still find them practiced in some rural areas.

Ancient Chinese believed the day of Duanwu was unlucky because midsummer was just around the corner. The hot weather used to bring various diseases, which could spread rampantly. Dispelling disease and driving out evil were the main purpose of the festival. People would paste on their front doors pictures of Zhongkui, a legendary Chinese ghost-catcher. People would also use cattail and mugwort leaves to drive away mosquitoes and other insects.

Since children are generally the most vulnerable to disease, they received extra care at this special time. Children would wear necklaces or bracelets, made of red, yellow, blue, white and black threads, to keep evil away from them. They would also receive colorful pouches containing fragrant herbal medicines as presents. They hung these around their necks, and would compete with one another to see whose pouch had the finest needlework. Mothers also made sure to bathe their children in water boiled with herbal medicines. Modern science has proven that these medicines are, in fact, quite beneficial to health.

Ancient Chinese believed realgar was an antidote for all poisons, and therefore most effective to drive away evil spirits and kill insects. So everyone would drink some realgar wine during the Duanwu Festival, and children would have the Chinese character for “King” written on their foreheads with realgar wine.



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